Learn Firebase with Vite

Example combining Firebase SDK (mainly Firestore DB), Preact, Typescript, Tailwind created with Vite.


Create an .env file starting from the .env.example template and add your appID value from the Firebase Dashboard.

What’s being used:

  • Vite - project scaffolding & development setup
  • Preact - React-like library closer to the Web Standards
  • Typescript - static type checking for Javascript
  • TailwindCSS - CSS framework base on atomic class utilities

Getting started

  • create a project in Firebase dashboard
  • add a new Firestore database with a collection named messages
  • Clone the repo
  • cd‘s into into and install dependencies with
$ npm ci
  • copy the content of .env.example in a new .env file
  • replace the placeholder values with the appId and projectID from your Firebase project settings
  • (instantly) start the dev server
$ npm run dev

Deploy with GH Actions & Pages

This repo contains a ./github/workflows/build.yml file which is configured to build the application with Github Actions and deploy on Github Pages.

In order for the build to work you will also have to add 2 new Secrets in Github repository settings: VITE_APPID and VITE_PROJECTID with the same values you previously used for the .env file.


Released with MIT license.